Welcome to the Sand Springs Transition/Resource Fair!!!
Your team at Sand Springs Schools understands how difficult it can be for any child to navigate through each stage of their education, no matter if that is elementary, middle school, or high school. It is especially trying for those with exceptionalities. Students receiving services in Special Education, along with their families, take on challenges far different from their peers in General Education courses. These challenges can then become more transparent once the young adult enters post-secondary life. The purpose of our Transition/Resource Fair is two-fold. First, we would like to offer guidance for those students and families transitioning to their next academic year. Second, our administration, in collaboration with local and state foundations, has compiled a list of resources for young adults and families to turn to as they make their way into their new way of life. We encourage you to view each and every foundation carefully to see how it and Sand Springs School District's Special Services can work for you.