This continued growth of our virtual student enrollment means that we remain uncertain about the number of students who will come to school on the first day. For these reasons, we are delaying the start date for the 2020-2021 school year by 4 days. The Board of Education will meet Thursday at noon to approve or disapprove the calendar. Pending Board approval, the first day of classes will now be Monday August 24. The delay in the opening of school allows us to keep our scheduled holidays in place and to complete the school year before Memorial Day in May of 2021. We will release the amended school calendar once it is approved by our Board of Education.
We have extended our deadline for Virtual Academy enrollment. The deadline for requesting virtual enrollment is Monday August 17. Limiting virtual enrollment after this date makes it possible for us to finalize our class schedules at all of our sites so that your students can start the school year without changing classes or experiencing other disruptions to their day.