Tell us about yourself.
I enjoy engaging with people, especially in a learning environment. When I see that my contribution has helped someone, whether it be in general or in the classroom, it gives me a sense of fulfillment. I enjoy hiking and backpacking into remote areas, biking, sports in general, hanging out with my family and church family. I love God, family and doing my best to love everyone else too. Still working on that one :)
What is the best thing about working in the Sand Springs school district?
I am new to the district but I can tell you the teachers here are genuinely concerned for their students and very helpful to each other. It truly feels like we are on the same team and everyone pulls each other to higher levels. We have very positive leadership in our administration which cultivates an environment of successful teachers and grows the culture of putting students first. I have really enjoyed the students in my classroom here at CPHS and look forward to the rest of the year. It also seems like a great community that pulls together to help their schools and local businesses. It's great to be a Sandite!
What advice do you have for high school students?
My advice is to consistently engage in every activity in which you play a part. Whether it is Chemistry or basket weaving, engage! To do this you must first show up. Nothing good can happen for you if you are not there to receive it. Secondly, make sure while you are there that you commit to doing your part. Be active in the discussions, get your brain in gear and add to the class or activity in whatever positive way you can. Leave a positive trail, helping others along the way and be the best version of you that you can be!