Frank Cooper Receives Sandite Coin of Excellence

At the May Sand Springs Board of Education Meeting, the board awarded the Sandite Coin of Excellence to Charles Page High School teacher Frank Cooper.

Mr. Cooper was nominated by Superintendent Sherry Durkee for his impact on students during his 26 years in the district. In her nomination form, Supt. Durkee writes, “I recently became privy to an email where a parent eloquently described how Mr. Cooper, this year, has changed the trajectory of her son’s life. This is not unique or rare in Mr. Cooper’s history with Sand Springs Public Schools… He has taught multiple subjects in the social studies area, sponsors Student Council, is a critical component of spirit weeks at CPHS, and of course is Captain Sandite. However, what makes Mr. Cooper especially unique is his ability to make every student feel like they are heard, loved, and important.”

Congratulations, Mr. Cooper! Thank you for your invaluable service to the students of CPHS and Sand Springs Public Schools.