Garfield Parents, For some reason, the School Supply List 23-24 did not upload. Here is page 1
Garfield Parents,
Attached is the School Supply List for the 23-24 year.
Garfield Parents,
Today, Friday, May 12th is early release day students get out at 2 p.m.
Garfield Parents,
Reminder there is no FSA today. The last day of FSA was Tuesday, May 9th. FSA is the after school program.
Garfield Parents,
Today, Friday, May 5th is early release students get out of school at 2 p.m.
Garfield Parents,
Lunch Menu update for this Friday, May 5th - Lunch will be Deli Sandwich, Fries, Salad Bar, Milk
Garfield Parents,
Today, Friday, April 28th is an early release. Students get out of school at 2 p.m.
Garfield Parents,
Attached is the May 2023 calendar. The last day of school is May 24th.
Garfield Parents,
Today Friday, April 21st is early release day. Students get out of school at 2 pm.
Garfield Parents,
Staff Appreciation Week is May 1st through 5th. See the attached flyer for some ideas to show your appreciation.
Garfield Parents,
Tomorrow, Wednesday, April 19th is Manager's Choice for lunch. Lunch will be Deli Sandwich, Pork n Beans, and Fries.
This is the end-of-year countdown for 1st grade.
Garfield Parents,
Today Friday, April 14th is early release students get out of school at 2 pm.
Dear Kindergarten Families,
This year has flown by! We cannot believe it is already the last 26 days of school! In order to celebrate this year and have some FUN, we will be doing an ABC Countdown to Summer! We encourage your child to participate in each day's activities. It is a fun way to keep them engaged and excited while celebrating all the many things we have learned this year.
Thank you,
Kindergarten Teacher
Garfield Parents,
Today, Friday, April 14th is early release students get out at 2 p.m.
Garfield Parents,
After April 1, 2023, students without funds in their Child Nutrition accounts will be unable to charge meals. Please make sure your student has adequate funds in their account OR cash in hand to make any meal purchases. (This does not apply to students who currently receive free meals.) Students who cannot pay will receive an alternative meal. If you have any questions, please feel free to call 918-246-1596 x3221.
Garfield Parents,
Today Friday, March 31st is an early release day. Students get out of school at 2 p.m. today.
Garfield Parents,
Mark your calendars for Read Across Oklahoma on April 11th.
Garfield Parents,
Attached is the April 2023 Calendar.
Garfield Parents,
Here is the link for the April Breakfast Menu
Here is the link for the April Lunch Menu