We are delighted to announce our Clyde Boyd Middle School and Sixth Grade Center Teachers of the Year, Mrs. Gina Myers and Mrs. Shawna White. We are so blessed to have these amazing educators in Sand Springs.

The Caring Van will be providing free Tdap immunizations for incoming seventh graders at schedule pickup. Learn more: https://www.sandites.org/o/clyde-boyd-middle-school/article/1667305

For the last 3 weeks, all 7th grade students participated and completed the Kyle Williams Oklahoma Boater Safety Course. The course was led by Oklahoma Highway Patrol Trooper Ryan Griffith, Thomas Parks, and Coy Caviness.
Nash White is pictured with Trooper Griffith. Nash was the only student to score a perfect 100% on the final exam. As a reward for his outstanding efforts, Trooper presented Nash with
the Oklahoma State Trooper’s Association (OSTA)Challenge Coin.
Overall, 92% of the students successfully passed their test. As a result, they will receive their boating certificate/license.

Parent/Teacher Conferences

CBMS new bell schedule attached. The new bell schedule does not change start or end times or lunch times. Thanks. CBMS Admin

CBMS 8th Grade Information. Please see attached flyer.

Exciting News for CBMS 8th Grade Families
Below is a letter from the State Department of Education regarding an opportunity for math tutoring. There is a link in the letter if you have questions.
Dear Oklahoma Family,
The Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) has created a new statewide virtual tutoring initiative. The Oklahoma Math Tutoring Corps will provide students in 8th grade with real-time, virtual tutoring support from live tutors beginning in January 2022. Participating students will meet virtually with a tutor for 50 minutes three times a week over a period of nine weeks. All tutoring will occur outside of school hours. The goal of the Math Tutoring Corps is to give students opportunities for individualized, targeted learning of math processes and problems needed for success in their current and future math coursework.
Tutors will be certified teachers and college students who have received training for this initiative. The OSDE will make every effort to group tutors and students from the same geographical area. To provide focused and consistent attention to your student, each tutor will work with no more than three students. Students will remain together with the same tutor throughout the nine weeks. Families and guardians will be copied on all communication from the tutor to the student.
The OSDE is asking participating students and families to agree to the following:
Student will attend at least 80% of the 27 tutoring sessions.
Student will have a quiet place to join the sessions virtually.
Student will actively participate with the tutor during tutoring sessions.
Once the OSDE receives your information, they will work with you to determine any technology and connectivity needs to ensure your student can participate successfully.
Learn more about the new Oklahoma Math Tutoring Corps program by accessing this OSDE webpage. If you have questions about this program, contact Anthony Purcell, Director of High School and College Math Readiness, (Anthony.Purcell@sde.ok.gov).
If you would like for your 8th grade student to participate, visit this website to enroll. The Math Tutoring Corps has the potential to strengthen math skills quickly, equipping students for long-term success in math coursework. The OSDE hopes you will join them in this important work.

Now through November 18, CBMS Student Council is hosting a Bedlam food drive to collect canned/boxed food for the Sand Springs Community Services during 7th and 8th grade first hour classes. Which fans will collect the most, OSU or OU?

CBMS is proud to announce that 7th grade science teacher, Mrs. Amie Boatwright, is our site Teacher of the Year! Congratulations. Well deserved.

CBMS has an updated Bell Schedule as of Monday, November 1, 2021. It is a small lunch time change for Tuesday and Wednesday.

CBMS Family Day Cafe’. I hope you can join us!

CBMS Parents/Guardians. Please see the attached 2021 Oklahoma State Testing Portal (OSTP) Student Portal Login Directions. This will give you access to your child's tests scores from last year.

Hey Sandites, September is Attendance Awareness Month! Nationally, about 8 million students miss more than 10% of school days each year. However, regularly attending school is linked to increased academic achievement, higher graduation rates, and overall greater school involvement. This month and every month, let's focus on getting students to school each day! #SchoolEveryDay

CBMS BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT: Thursday, August 26 from 5-7 PM. It is a come and go event. We look forward to seeing everyone!

Good Morning CBMS 7/8th grade Sandites! Great day for the first day of school. We are so excited to see our students. Just a reminder. All 7/8 students enter the building via the west new gym door until 8:20. They can go to breakfast from there starting at 7:45. Please do not drop off your child before 7:30 AM! See you soon!

CBMS Make-Up Schedule Pick-up and Chromebook Checkout: Thursday, August 12 8:30 - 11:30 AM & 1:00-3:00 PM and Friday, August 13 9:00 AM - Noon. Please bring $30 cash for Chromebook insurance.

A few pics to represent the wonderful teachers and staff members who helped with CBMS schedule pick up today. Thanks to all of you for your hard work and dedication!

A few pics to represent the wonderful teachers and staff members who helped with CBMS schedule pick up today. Thanks to all of you for your hard work and dedication!

CBMS would like to give a special thank you to Mrs. Stuckey and Mrs. Siegel for preparing and helping families complete online enrollment today. We appreciate you!

Welcome to CBMS 7/8th grade schedule pick up! Mrs Criner will greet you and help you to the next station! We can’t wait to see our families and students. August 9. Hours. 10-noon and 2-6 PM.