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Attendance Policy

In accordance with the policy of the board of education, the following regulation shall govern truancy and attendance in the Sand Springs School District.

  1. Each attendance officer shall develop procedures to notify a student's parents, guardian, or other responsible person of a student's absence.  The parent, guardian, or other responsible person should be made aware of Oklahoma Statutes, Title 70, Section 10-105, which requires compulsory school attendance of school-age children, and which provides criminal penalties for failure to comply.

  2. Each attendance officer shall take necessary steps to ensure that a child determined to be truant is properly reviewed for special education needs.

  3. If a student is absent from school as designated below in item 4 and 5, the attendance officer will inform the parents that they are not in compliance with Oklahoma Statutes, Title 70, Section 10 101, et seq., and will notify the district attorney in the county in which the school is located.

Disciplinary Action for Truancy

High School Credit Classes (Grades 9-12) per Semester

6th Absence

  • Attendance notification form #1 sent to the parent

9th Absence

  • Attendance notification form #2 sent to the parent

  • Truancy Court paperwork #1 sent to SRO

12th Absence

  • Attendance failure notification form given to parents and student (See Policy FDC-R1)

  • SRO informed that the student continues to be absent

Elementary Schools and Middle Schools (K-8) per Calendar Year

6th Absence

  • Attendance notification form #1 sent to the parent

9th Absence

  • Attendance notification form #2 sent to the parent

  • Truancy Court paperwork #1 sent to SRO

12th Absence

  • Attendance failure notification form given to parents and student (See Policy FDC-R1)

  • SRO informed that the student continues to be absent

15th Absence

  • SRO notified of continued absences

  • Truancy Court paperwork #2 sent to SRO

18th Absence

  • Student deemed Chronically Absent (see policy FDC-R1)

To view the full policy, visit our policy manual here and search for “FOE-R”.

NOTE: There is a separate policy for high school course credit. To view that policy, visit our policy manual
here and search for “FDC.”

Attendance Policy FAQ