Homeless Complaint Resolution Procedures
McKinney-Vento Education of the Homeless
Dispute/Complaint Resolution
Federal regulations require that Sand Springs Public Schools adopts procedures for receiving and resolving disputes pertaining to the transition of children and youth experiencing homelessness as identified under the McKinney-Vento Act.
If a dispute arises regarding the education of a homeless child or youth, the child/youth must be immediately enrolled in the school in which he/she is seeking enrollment, pending resolution of the dispute. Enrollment is defined as “attending classes and participating fully in school activities.”
District Level
The following steps will be taken to resolve the dispute/complaint:
The complainant will request a copy of or access to the district board of education policies
addressing the education of homeless children and youths.
The complainant will make an
appointment with the district homeless liaison to discuss a resolution to the dispute.
If the dispute
is not resolved after the initial discussion with the district homeless liaison, the complainant may
file a complaint in writing to the district’s homeless liaison for further review;
In the complaint, include a request that a written proposed resolution of the dispute or a plan of action be provided within five (5) business days of the date the written complaint was received by the district’s homeless liaison.
A review of the proposal or plan of action with the homeless liaison will follow. The parties may mutually agree on an extension; however every effort will be made to resolve the complaint in the shortest possible time;
If the dispute is not resolved at the district homeless liaison level, the complaint may be forwarded to the superintendent of the district for review followed by a meeting with the superintendent to discuss the dispute. The complainant will request from the superintendent a written resolution within five (5) business days of the date of the discussion. The parties may mutually agree on an extension; however, every effort will be made to resolve the complaint as expeditiously as possible;
If the dispute is not resolved at the district superintendent level, the complainant may take the matter before the school district board of education for resolution.
State Level
If the dispute is not resolved in a satisfactory manner at the school district level, the complaint may be brought to the Oklahoma State Department of Education (ODE). Complaints made under this process must be made in writing and signed by the complainant.
The following steps are to be taken:
Address the complaint to the State Homeless Coordinator, Oklahoma State Department of Education, 2500 North Lincoln Boulevard, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105.
Include in the complaint:
(A) A detailed description of the dispute
(B) The name(s) and age(s) of the children involved
(C) The name(s) of involved school district personnel and the district(s) they represent 173
(D) A description of attempts that were made to resolve the issue at the school district level.
The OSDE has established guidelines for dispute resolution. A copy of these guidelines is available upon request.
Susan Cox
Homeless Coordinator & Liaison
Phone: (918) 246-1445
Email: Susan.Cox@Sandites.org