Student presenting biomedical project to spectators

Charles Page High School hosted their PLTW - Project Lead The Way End of Year Showcase. Graduates in biomedical science, computer science, and engineering courses took part in a cording ceremony before showing projects to their friends and family. Student projects tackled everything from water insecurity and triage technology to dryer lint and too-bright car headlights.

These students did an exceptional job showing their ideas, research, and hard work. Way to go, Sandites!

Students discussing projectHigh school students in white lab coat demonstrating prototypestudent in white lab coat presenting next to onscreen photo of a tickstudents presenting project on trifold displayStudent in white lab coat and orange stole posing next to anatomical model of human internal organs and trifold display reading SVTStudents posing next to trifold display about LED headlightsStudents talking next to dryer prototype and trifold display about dryer lint Students presenting project on trifold display to instructor in a white lab coatGroup photo of senior students in engineering, biomedical, and computer science classes