Preschool students in winter gear on a playground while snow is falling

At Sand Springs Public Schools, keeping students and staff safe is always our top priority. When temperatures drop and winter weather approaches, the district has specific procedures in place to decide if schools will remain open, dismiss early, or close entirely.

In this post, we’ll take a closer look at the decision-making process for winter weather closures, including how weather conditions are assessed, which factors play the biggest roles, and where you can find the latest information on school closures. Stay informed this winter and be ready for whatever Oklahoma weather brings!

Deciding When to Close School

Abnormal weather conditions sometimes require temporary suspension of school activities. These possible conditions include inclement weather such as ice and snow storms. Whenever making decisions regarding school cancellation, the primary considerations are the safety and wellbeing of our students and employees.

Factors such as road conditions, visibility, temperature, and accumulation of rain or snow are all considered. In addition to keeping a close eye on weather forecasts and reports, the Superintendent and Director of Transportation drive on roads throughout the district to get firsthand knowledge of road conditions before deciding whether to close.

Canceling school is never an easy decision. Maintaining a regular schedule is crucial to a child’s education. For some students, their school is the only place they can stay warm and fed every day. However, there are times when traveling to and from school becomes too dangerous, and school must be closed for the safety of our school community.

Snow Days

SSPS has a number of snow days built into the instructional calendar, which allows occasional school closures without adding makeup days to the end of the school year. Whenever necessary, these traditional snow days are implemented instead of distance learning days.

Announcing School Closures

In the event of a school closure, the district will make the announcement widely available. Whenever possible, school closures are announced by 6 a.m. of the day in question. Decisions are made one day at a time, unless otherwise stated.

School closures are communicated through the following channels:

  • Automated phone calls

  • Automated text messages

  • homepage

  • Official SSPS Facebook Page

  • Official SSPS Instagram Page

  • Local television stations

To receive timely notifications, please ensure your contact information is up to date in Infinite Campus.

If a closure is not announced, please assume school will be in session as usual.

Early Dismissal

Early dismissal is rarely required, but there may be a time when it is unavoidable due to inclement weather. In this event, the decision to dismiss early shall be communicated through the same channels as school closures (see previous section).

If early dismissal is necessary, the Director of Transportation will make all required arrangements regarding bus transportation.

As colder months approach, SSPS is committed to making the safest choices for our students, families, and staff. By staying informed and following our communication channels, you’ll have the latest updates on any school delays or closures. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we navigate these decisions with everyone’s well-being in mind. Remember to bundle up, stay safe, and check in regularly for updates. Let’s work together to make this winter a safe one for Sand Springs.