Pratt PTO members receive certificates of recognition from School Board

At their December meeting, the Sand Springs Board of Education recognized Sandites from Pratt Elementary, Northwoods Fine Arts Academy, and Clyde Boyd Middle School.

Pratt Parents and educators receive school board recognitionPTO Members - Pratt Elementary

The Board of Education recognized Pratt Elementary parents Jennifer Ingram, Katrina Wasson, and Preston Wasson with the Sandite Spirit Award.  Stevie Longoria, a paraprofessional and parent, received the Sandite Pacesetter Award. The four were honored for their work with the Pratt Elementary PTO in organizing the Pratt Pumpkin Palooza, a fall carnival for Pratt families. Their work on the event prompted Principal Jay Rotert to nominate them for the awards.

“Pratt is so blessed to have these people be a part of our school community,” said Rotert. “I always know they will come to our rescue and are happy to give their time and talents to our school. We appreciate everything they do to help us, and we could not do what we do without them.”

Lori Benson receives certificate of recognition from school boardLori Benson - Indian Education

Clyde Boyd Middle School Teacher Lori Benson received the Sandite Pacesetter Award in recognition of her impact in two students’ lives. Benson was nominated by Indian Education Director Lauren Rowley, who said that Benson shared her testimony during a parent committee meeting, and that her drive to help the students was pure and heartfelt. “She requires them to volunteer and step up in the community,” said Rowley. “She is definitely someone that I look up to in that aspect, and for giving so much of her heart to Indian Education when her plate is full.”

Two parents receive certificates of recognition from school boardPTO Members - Northwoods Fine Arts Academy

Two parents from Northwoods Fine Arts Academy received Spirit Awards this month. The board recognized Michelle Pearson and Kristina Skaggs for their dedication to Northwoods. Counselor Stephanie McAllister nominated Pearson and Skaggs, stating that their involvement has made a significant impact. “Mrs. Pearson volunteers her time in various capacities,” said McAllister, “including helping with PTO, fundraising, classroom activities, and extra help anytime anything extra is needed.”

McAllister went on to say that Skaggs’ efforts “have a measurable, positive impact on the students in our building. Whether it is through direct service, donations, serving on PTO, or awareness efforts, her actions make a difference in our school.”

 Sue Ward receives certificate of recognition from the school boardSue Ward - Northwoods Fine Arts Academy

Sue Ward received the Sandite Pacesetter Award for her work as the art teacher at Northwoods. Nominated by Counselor Stephanie McAllister, Ward has made a distinct mark through her support of student creativity. “Mrs. Ward organizes our school wide ‘Art Night,’” said McAllister, “and spends hours framing and displaying our students’ artwork throughout our school and the community. We are very thankful that Mrs. Ward teaches at our school, and we appreciate all her hard work.”

Congratulations to these outstanding Sandites! Thank you for exemplifying the Sandite spirit of excellence.