At the March Sand Springs Board of Education meeting, the board presented the Sandite Spirit Award to Mr. Bob Bynum.
Mr. Bynum was nominated by the Central Office Administrative Staff for regularly visiting the office and bringing donuts for the employees there. In their nomination form, the staff said, “Bob worked for us as a skilled maintenance worker for over 9 years. Even though he doesn’t work here anymore, he has not forgotten his Sandite family. We appreciate the kindness he shows us every time he comes to the office.” At the board meeting, Superintendent Sherry Durkee described Mr. Bynum as a caring soul who takes extra time and effort to make the Central Office staff feel appreciated.
Thank you to Mr. Bynum for consistently showing kindness and support to our staff! We are grateful to have you as part of the Sandite family. #BESandite #FocusForward22